clip_8 | Iconic Instruction Language

2.4  Combining Instructions

Several instructions can be combined. Control flow procedes from the initial node (one filled circle) along the attached `path`. The next drop-off point, `p0` is the opposite endpoint of the `path`.

The istruction attached at `p0` is executed.

Control flow then continues on the next `path` element, excluding the one from where it previously arrived. (Never travel back principle.)

Two instructions in a sequence from left to right. Control flow always starts at the single dot, i.e. it goes from left to right in this case. At p0 the execution history defines incoming and outgoing paths: If a path was used as an incoming control flow it is blocked for the way back, irrespective of the technical direction of the SVG path element.
[normal_execution 3] expected to pass.

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Two instructions in a sequence from left to right. First move brings the black square into the selecor area of the second move, which then pushes it down. The two sequences test the position updating of the block.
[normal_execution 3] expected to pass.

 ==>   :   

Two instructions in a sequence, equivalent to former test but turned by 90 degrees. First move brings the black square into the selecor area of the second move, which then pushes it to the right. The two sequences test the position updating of the block.
[normal_execution 3] expected to pass.

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